What’s Astrology

What’s Astrology

Certainly, in some moments or moments of intense reflection, we would certainly have asked ourselves why we exist, why we rejoice and suffer, formulating questions about the reasons that could generate each event, experience, create the origin of events and turning points.

In the events that have characterized the course of human existence, man has often asked himself the question whether his history and that of the world was dictated by Free Will or by a Fatal Law that manipulates and directs everything.

In this regard, Astrology, with its contribution, can contribute to unraveling the reason for life and its vicissitudes. In the universal order, the Astral Bodies, with the Angularities that cyclically come to form in their motion and the positions they assume in the Houses and in the Zodiacal Signs, contribute to pre-order the course of existence, the destinies to which every human being will meet.

When it comes to physical life, each unborn child will have imprinted in its aura, that synergy of Universal Forces which will be constituted by the Planetary Aspects which the Asters will assume in that precise moment.

Such a combination will tend to influence each subject by inciting him/her in the widest development of personal inclinations without damaging his/her decisional power. In order to make these dynamics less obscure and understandable, the language of the Asters aims to eviscerate the multiple meanings that the Heavenly Bodies assume in their motion.

Moreover, in the deepening of a character analysis, it is the author in favouring and inciting the praiseworthy aspects and the natural talents of each subject, emphasizing them in the best way, and likewise, it invites to reduce every lacuna and disharmonious attitude after having duly eviscerated them.

This is because: Nothing has been born absolutely and ineluctably predetermined, but lends itself to evolution and perpetual growth.

For this precise reason, the Astrological Examination is also considered in close relationship with Metempsychosis or Past Existences which, in the course of the long journey, have been ringed.

This type of Astral Exam takes the name of Karmic Astrology, and takes into account, not only the previous evolutionary path, but the path we have set ourselves in this present existence and, if we were to treasure our talents, the probable and potential future developments.

In this project, just to exorcise the fatalistic fear of the stars, we will know not only the Birth Chart that influences the choices and the character of the individual during the course of existence, but also the outcome of the various Astrological Transits on the Birth Chart itself, which will tell us when there will be propitious moments or other inauspicious ones.

The anticipation of potential future events can usefully direct us to draw the best fruits from tomorrow, or limit the repercussions of less edifying events.

To these first and initial Astral Investigations are added the successive Solar Revolutions, which inform us about the future possibilities that will be created every time the Solar Star will astrologically overlap with the Sun of birth. To put it simply, on the day or days close to our birthday.

At that particular moment, an Annual Theme will be built, whose Ascendant and the resulting Derivative Houses will be determined exclusively by the place where the Astral Junction took place.

The multi-year research leads us to affirm that the Solar Theme, the bearer of annual events, can be changed for its own benefit by making appropriate modifications, i.e. by spending the day of the accomplishment of the Planetary Revolution in another site of the earthly globe.

For those who, instead, want to know further developments in the Couple’s Relationship that he or she has established with his or her partner, and better understand the facets or hidden aspects of the personality, the study of the Astral Synaestria or Integrated Horoscope intervenes; a valid support also for those who wish to contract or entrepreneur Business or Professional Relationships in general.

Below are some of the indications, supported by appropriate clarifications, that the Astrological Survey carries out to be at the forefront with the times.

Examination of the Astral Chart: This refers to the Planetary Chart that was created at the Act of Birth and which helped to delineate the personality of the individual. It is actually a valid tool to get to know each other in depth, giving free rein to our most representative qualities.

Karmic-Esoteric Examination of the Astral Chart: It cannot be considered separately, since it is an appendix to the Astral Chart, and must be evaluated together with it. It outlines the path that the Entity under study has taken in Previous Existences and the program of Spiritual Growth.

Solar Revolutions: They take place every year, approximately on our birthday, marking, together with Planetary Transits and Secondary Progressions, the nature and consistency of the events, and Existential Growth. The Solar Revolutions, contrary to the Planetary Transits, can be modified after having built them, so as not to passively suffer the tyranny of the Asters.

Planetary Revolutions: They are similar to the Solar Revolutions, but they are built for the other Planets of the Solar System, that is for the Planets that go from the Moon to Sedna.

Targeted Solar and Planetary Revolutions: They are the result of research in the Astrological Field, because they testify the faculty to Changing Fate in the fields of life that are more lacking or need a drastic change. If we want to perfect or magnify the Professional or Financial Sphere, reassure the Sentimental Life, improve the State of Health or consolidate our Personality, promote Studies and Travel, make Spiritual and Psychical Experiences, obtain Official Recognition, etc., we must resort to this type of operation.

Planetary Transits: They attest in real time the period we are spending and what we will spend in the future, in a detailed descriptive analysis. This examination is useful to prevent potentially avoidable errors. They should be analyzed within the Birth Chart, together with the Solar and Planetary Revolutions, and in the Secondary Progressions, but never in decontextualized situations that would release a partial if not misleading picture of the examination.

Secondary Progressions: They are the result of the most advanced and sophisticated Astrological Studies. They are the result of complex mathematical and astronomical calculations and are able to reveal well in advance the Great Epochal Events that shape us radically changing us. They characterize the vast changes in both Material Character and Spiritual Catharsis and represent the most reliable technique to know and govern long existential periods ahead of time.

Integrated Horoscope or Couple’s Horoscope: It turns out to be a valid tool to know in advance what kind of relationships we will establish with our fellow men, within the Couple’s Relationship or with the Business Partner. It is an alarm signal against dazzling infatuation or professional failure.