Trans-Saturnine Planetary Revolutions

Trans-Saturnine Revolutions

Before dealing with this topic, it is necessary to make an appropriate premise in order not to mislead or disorientate the Consultant who is approaching the Astrological branch of the Targeted or Correct Planetary Revolutions.

As it is known, also from the Informative Form Realized, the Revolutions of Saturn take place every 29,458 years, on average twice in the ordinary life of every human being, and in sporadic cases that tend to a greater age, the third edification is reached. But we talk about the cases of longevity that have disappeared and are among the most fortunate.

In the case of the Trans-Saturnine Planetary Revolutions the times of the Planetary Revolution increase considerably from 84,011 years of Uranus to 10,737.84 years of Sedna.

Consequently, you will ask yourselves what are these Consultations for if in reality the times of the Cosmic Events go beyond the human ones?

The answer from an exquisitely technical point of view is simple.

Often in a Birth Chart (that is the Astral Graph that is structured when you come to the light) there are some Retrograde Planets that in the days or in the months following the Birth Act change the Motion from Retrograde to Direct.

This Phenomenon is perceptible from the point of view of the Geocentric Observation of the Celestial Phenomena because it is good to specify it – the Planetary Motion as a phenomenon in itself – is always Direct, never Retrograde.

In this apparent mutation of direction, the Retrograde Planets return to their Original Birth Position, carrying out a Planetary Revolution to all effects without retracing, as usual, the entire Zodiacal Circle.

In this case and for example we could say that we will not always have on every Birth Chart Retrograde and Direct Motion events about Planets such as Uranus, Neptune and Pluto, but it is certain that, for the slowness of their motion compared to our point of observation, these events will occur on Trans-Plutonian Planets such as Eris and Sedna.

Therefore, the Survey of Spiritualist Astrology aims to understand which new scenarios and Palingenesis are crowded into the recesses of the Soul of every Consultant who walks the personal Spiritual Path.

In this way we will understand in the deepest Essence, beyond the events linked to the mere materiality and to the ordinary everyday life that the scenario induces, what will be the Cathartic events that will mark our turning points both from the Temporal and Spiritual point of view.