Planetary Revolutions – Fast and Slow Planets

Planetary Revolutions – Fast and Slow Planets

As far as construction, effectiveness and astrological interpretation are concerned, they are similar to the Solar Revolutions, but being erected for the other Planets of the Solar System, i.e. for the Celestial Bodies that go from Mercury to Saturn, this induces them to vary considerably the Sphere of Relevance.

In essence they cast a new interpretative light and greater clarity on more specific existential spheres related to the evolving Astro, investigating its ascotic recesses.

The Planetary Revolutions represent an additional investigation, so as to clarify the Exterior Accadiments and the Interior Mutations that each specific Astro influences. In their versatility they contribute to the achievement of the goal that every Consultant hopes for.

They too must be drawn up after the Birth Chart and are indicative of the geometries that the Transits, the Solar Revolutions and the Secondary Progressions anticipate. Therefore they make us clear signals on the Subjective State and on the Evolutionary Levels of each one of us and on how the specific Return Star will affect the Personal Events.

Formulating a hypothesis, we will say that, if we want to know and dissect what the Asters have in store for us on the Affairs of the Heart, Married Relationships or the Small Personal Fortunes in the Economic Field or on Good Fortune, we will have to draw up the Revolution of Venus.

If, on the other hand, we want to express the best and excel in a Sporting Competition, to have at our disposal Physical Energies and Character Determination, or to win a Personal Challenge to which we particularly care, we have no choice but to rely on the Vatican Virtuins of the Revolution of Mars.

And so below, aiming at the peculiarities of each single Planet, we will be able to get to the knowledge of the most important details.