Metatron’s Rite
If Raziel is the Cherub of the Impossible, Metatron is the Seraphim Supern Guardian of Life and Death, the Suscitator of New Worlds and Supernatural Realities par excellence.
The name ‘Seraphim’ derives from the term ‘Seraf‘ which means: ‘Fiery‘, like the Virtue they instill: that of making the Souls of Love and Omnipotence Launch.
He, afferent to the Sphere of Neptune, is the Creator of the All Manifest as a Primeval and Primordial Principle, which erupts with Fair and Uncontroversial Possession from the Sphere of the Immanifesto or, according to the terminology of the Vajrayana Buddhist Tradition, from Vacuity or Śūnyatā.
Metatron, God with Innumerable Eyes, effigy of the 72 Names of God, the Shemhamphorasch or Tetragrammaton, the whole Angelic Array, Principle and End that contains all Power. Angel of Incommensurable Possession, whose name for the Kabbalistic Tradition must not be pronounced, assumes the meaning of: “He who dwells at the Throne of God“.
In the Jewish Kabbalah is the Archangel of Kether, the Highest Crown, the Sephirah Summit of the Tree of Life. He is called Wonderful Intelligence or Mystical Intelligence, Light of the Primordial Principle, without End or Principle.
From the Principle Point, the Immanifesto hangs, from the Indifferentiated to the Differentiated Manifestation, revealing, with it, the hidden ends of the Plan of Creation conceived by the Great Architect.
From the Non-Time or Chronic Time, the Supreme is also externalized in the Finitude and Transepoint Events. This is why even in the darkness of the ephemeral and in the presence of transient events we are in the presence of Infinity.
Metatron is the Absolute Will that finds Its Supernatural and externalizing Sum in the Cherubin Raziel that reveals and spreads it in Love and Wisdom, but it is mainly the Supernatural Crucible where the Folgorations and the Genius Estro tumultuous.
These must be perceived and translated in Ideations and Active Inventions to find valid concretization and mediation between Will and Raziocinio.
His Excellent Presence allows to Forge One’s own World at Will and to see the Dreams that we caress from a Life realized.
Metatron if invoked confers:
- The Attainment of the Gift of Prophecy.
- The Acquisition of the Consciousness of one’s Existential Role.
- The Power to Forge One’s own World.
- The Realization of Projects and more Arduous and Utopian.
- The Supernatural Strikes and the Genius Extras.
- The Supernal Initiation to Mysteries.
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