Mars Revolution – Description




Mars Revolution

It is carried out every 686,98 days and highlights the Mole of Profound Efforts and the Struggles that the Person is willing to fulfill in order to reach his own goals or to conquer the results to which he aspires.

In this case, the Mars Revolution is a precise detector of the Energy Quotient combined with the level of Strength and Physical and Moral Resistance that the Consultant holds, that powerful mixture called Resilience.

It is a rigorous device to draw good Aids or to ingratiate the favour of the Asters in the field of the Sport Competitions and the Challenges in general, so as to be able to express all the own potential and to Priminate on the Antagonists.

Another cardinal note resides in the reading of the Control of Inner Strength and Emotions. That is to say, when we get to achieve, not the extemporaneous and fleeting sensation but the invariable power, that we have the Dominion of Thought and Emotions. That these are motionless like a silent, placid and vast sea.

When this awareness is revealed, we can control our existence and related events. We can raise the Accidents as if they had sprung from the Primordial Acts, from Chronic Time.

From this point of view, the Mars Revolution represents a valid viaticum for the Attainment of the Control of one’s own Body and Mind, complementary and natural and consequent ramifications of each other.

The Mars Revolutions can be Re-launched, like all the other Planetary Revolutions, to pursue our specific goals and obtain brilliant results.




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