Birth Programming – Description




Birth Programming

I believe that most of the Affective Relationships that find stability in Marriage or will become More Uxorio’s Couples there is the desire to create a Descent, to have Offspring.

It is a natural aspiration that celebrates the Love that two People feel for each other. The same Love that would like to give the Best of Life and of ourselves to the Children who will come to the World.

In the study of Astrological Science, I have developed this special branch to meet the demands of Far-sighted Parents who yearn to have Healthy Children, who are able to develop their Talents without excessive length, disappointment or adversity, while also avoiding unnecessary suffering.

In order to proceed to the writing of the Programmed Birth Theme, we proceed first of all by choosing a wide period of one or two weeks where there are interesting Planetary Aspects that interact with the Solar System’s Lens Planets. For this purpose we will prepare a series of Astral Charts that will act as simulations to select the most appropriate period.

Subsequently we will try to narrow the Field of Analysis to a more limited and precise time span in order to obtain the result we are aiming at.

Below, in the study inherent to Birth Planning, taking into account the approximate Gestation Period of Nine Months, we will choose with a certain margin of certainty the Moment of Conception. This will be the bearer of the ratification of a first Astral Chart which, in the Astrological Tradition, is called the Tema Conceptionis (Theme of Conception).

In order to have a clear picture of the event, when the Day of the Moment of Childbirth is approached, several Astral Graphs will be prepared for each hour of the same day. This multiple examination will create the range of possibilities that will later give rise to the final Theme of Birth.

It is well understood that a certain margin of Fatality and Unpredictability is inherent to the event itself, also for that dose of Arbitrium with which every Entity that wants to make Subjective Experience in this World is rightly endowed. That is to say, it is based on an Average Timing which in most cases, but not in all.

This means that one cannot program the exact day and moment when our son Will Come to the Light, but only a More Than Favorable Period.

As a consequence, in the Scheduled Birth Theme, we will keep in mind, as previously remarked, the Large Periods positively supported by brilliant Planetary Aspects formed mainly by the Slow Planets, those that go substantially from Mars, Jupiter to Eris and Sedna.








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