Astrological Dossier – Description





Astrological Dossier or Global Astrological Analysis

The Astrological Dossier is the most complete and innovative Astrological Service that can be conceived, in the light of current Astrological Knowledge.

In fact, it is able to sketch in a global and definitive way not only the Personality of the Consultant, and the Possibilities, Goals and Joy that the Asters reserve to him, but it also proves to be a suitable way to make important or even fundamental or decisive choices beforehand.

The main reason resides in the complexity of the Astral Analyses and in the multiplicity of the same ones, since the Global Astrological Analysis conglodes and summarizes from the reading of the Birth Chart, base of every Astral Analysis and cause of Individual Evolution, to all the various Planetary Revolutions that follow. In addition, the Transits and Progressions for a Ten Years Time Arc will also be examined.

The structure of the Astrological Dossier is the most complete, thorough and precise Astral Analysis that can be carried out in the field of Contemporary Astrology.

It is the analysis that any prudent and far-sighted Consultant would like to know in order to understand in an exhaustive way the most hidden aspects of the Temperament, to have an understanding of one’s own Destiny or to be aware of what the Relational and Professional Sphere has in store for us.

It turns out to be the most exhaustive study that a Consultant can undertake in order to have an account of his own potential and to sift through personal talents, so as to tread the appropriate path to magnify them.

I would like to add that the Overview that emerges from such a vast observation allows to opt early on the identification of the most propitious moments to achieve the most prosperous results.

If we would like to quibble further and probe the most placed secrets of Consciousness we would say that the formal manifestation of each Subject is a fragmentary component of what, hidden, tumultuous in the pelagus of the Unconscious.

This does not necessarily mean that we are potential threats to ourselves and to those around us, even if, in some cases, we are scattered, extreme and turbid this could happen. However, in the Exterminated Cycle of Deaths and Rebirths (Samsara), we have made a myriad of experiences and developed as many skills and propensities.

It means that, in the end, we possess the vigor and science that allows us to access a multiplicity of experiences and knowledge due to the variety of experiences we have experienced. But in order to conquer all this, we must choose wisely the right moment.

The core of the Survey for the drafting of the Astrological Dossier on which everything revolves is always and in any case the Birth Chart, the starting point of any examination, from this we will extrapolate the following readings:

1) Solar Revolutions

2) Lunar Revolutions (carried out for the most important Periods near the Primary Events).

3) Mercury Revolutions

4) Revolutions of Venus

5) Mars Revolutions

6) Jupiter’s Revolution (If in the Ten Year Period it is carried out by the Consultant, on the contrary the one in force is analyzed)

7) Revolution of Saturn (If in the Ten Year Period it is carried out by the Consultant, on the contrary the one in force is analyzed)

8) Uranus Revolution (If in the Post-Christmas Period it was carried out by the Consultant)

9) Neptune Revolution (If in the Post-Christmas Period it was carried out by the Consultant)

10) Pluto Revolution (If in the Post-Christmas Period it was carried out by the Consultant)

11) Eris Revolution (If in the Post Christmas Period it was carried out by the Consultant)

12) Sedna Revolution (If in the Post-Christmas Period it was carried out by the Consultant)

13) Transit Analysis

14) Secondary Progressions

The Astrological Dossier is an acute and refined Astrological Investigation Tool that shortens the time on the Knowledge of Self and on the resolution of long-standing problems that would require the intervention at least of several decades of Targeted Solar Revolutions Cycles, and paves the way to reach the desired goals.




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