AstroCartoGraphy or Local Space Analysis – Description





The AstroCartoGraphy or Local Space Analysis is an Astrological Practice designed to assess how an Individual interacts and what kind of feedback it gets from the Circumstant Environment.

For this presupposition, considering for a specific Subject how he or she knows the interaction with his or her own Birth Environment or the one habitually frequented, we tried to understand how he or she could react if his or her Radix Theme was subjected to influences different from the original ones.

To go into the specifics, let’s take the case of a Consultant who presents the unfortunate combination of having a Dominant Saturn, Conjoined or Opposed to the MC (Medium Heaven). Making a small digression we say that Saturn is the Star of Rigor, of Equity but especially of Restrictions and Privations.

Its imposing presence as Dominant, that is, on one of the 4 Cardinal Axes (ASC, DSC, IC, MC), Joint or Opposed to MC (Medium Heaven), make the Subject who experiences this type of combination must continuously suffer continuous negative upheavals related to the Professional and Financial Sphere. It is as if the Working Conditions experienced are Tiring, Penalizing or ungratifying, all this leads to disappointment and dissatisfaction.

In the worst cases there could be continuous interruptions in the Professional Sphere with consequent Pauperism.

The remedy consists in the search for a Location different from the ordinary one that allows to reorient and recompute the Birth Chart, framing it under the new light of Benign and Propitiatory Influences.

In this case, if the problem is represented by a Saturn at the MC, we can, in order to overcome the problem and achieve the right reward for our efforts by obtaining work continuity and economic gratifications, reorient the Radix Theme to position Jupiter or Venus on the MC.

With the actual frequentation of the new location or with the transfer to the site, the above mentioned effects will be produced and the past sufferings will be only a pale memory.



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