Affinity of Couple – Description




Affinity of Couple

It is a reliable tool to know with a wide margin of certainty what kind of Relationships we will establish with our fellow men, in this case, in a Couple Relationship that is already in place or in those that we would like to start with a Partner that suits us.

The Analysis of the Affinity of Couple establishes with precision what type of relationship we will have, if based on the Physical Attraction or on Tender Feelings, or the Intellectual Understanding and Intellectual Complexity prevails.

The main aim is, in essence, to make it possible to make the right choice regarding the Sentimental Sodalities favored by fate or, on the contrary, to signal if we are faced with dazzling infatuations.

However, it remains implicit that the Astral Examination can only highlight the Gratifications, the Understanding, the Clashes and the Misunderstandings that we may have with a certain Partner, but the final choice, I often repeat, is up to each individual Consultant.





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