Mercury in Aries
It confers a lively and pungent intelligence, ready for discussion and sarcasm; leadership skills can also manifest themselves thanks to the ease of speech (political, lawyer).
The subject is always ready to launch himself on the attack thanks to intellectual gifts and spiritual vivacity. This place can be found in the Themes of satirical writers. There are also attitudes to drawing or graphic arts. The main flaw of this type of intelligence is the lack of patience.
Mercury here indicates excellent data storage capacity and ready-made nerve reflexes. Acute auditory, visual, olfactory sensitivity. Good mechanisms of adaptation with the external environment.
In distress: Instability, recklessness, lack of perseverance. The mental horizon is bright but changing: action dominates reason.
Disharonic: nervous tics and hysterical attacks, character abnormalities or choleric character.
Mercury in Taurus
It confers a slow intelligence in processing, obstinacy, concreteness. Those who have Mercury in this position take their decisions seriously, slowly and react strongly to any kind of stress.
However, once a decision has been made, it will be very difficult for him to change it. Good concentration and also a sense of humor.Excellent coordination of movements, responsive and temperate modes.
Plagued: hardness of intellect, smodish selfishness, mental closure, dyslexia, stuttering and deafness.
Mercury in Gemini
The Planet is located here domiciled and is therefore always well expected. It gives a lot of curiosity and mental ability, aimed at the surrounding environment.
Always looking for new stimuli, those who have Mercury in Gemini, very often deals with several things at the same time. The vein of gossip always hovers latently.
Mercury in its natural seat confers fluid eloquence, dynamism, ease of movement, looseness of joints.
In distress: nervous depression or commercial showers. Gossip and dispersation. Stuttering, nervous tics.
Mercury in Cancer
For these people, who find it difficult to observe life objectively, feelings will be increasingly important than facts. In the study they are aided by an almost photographic memory and can achieve surprising results.
The position is conducive to professions such as the archivist, librarian, author of historical novels. The moods and feelings will always follow the wandering tendencies of the Moon.
Intellectual activity between the walls of the house.
In distress: Avulsed fantasy. Children can give concern.
Mercury in Lion
This subject reveals talent for the organization but must take into account the feelings of others, which self-centeredness could make him overlook. It can be in some cases boastful and certainly loves to tell of its own successes.
Very sure of his opinions, he is not easily influenced and has the energy to carry out his projects. His youthful manner always assures him of great popularity.
Plagued: Boriity, incoistence in affections, love for the game. Possible disappointments with the children.
Mercury in Virgo
The planet is in dignity in its home. Very intelligent, patient in learning complicated techniques, this person always needs to unload his mind.
The native could be brought to a medical or scientific career, thanks to his logical and analytical skills. With its ability to categorize things will love any kind of work that has to do with classification and research.
He also possesses a satirical sense of humor that emerges from his ability to spot weaknesses in others.
Mercury in Libra
Skilled in compromise, these individuals have a tendency to moderate in every sector. Little inclined to take risks weighs every decision accurately. Although they may be sociable, if necessary, they are in dire need of solitude.
Here intelligence is put at the service of justice and there is great erudition and ease of expression. It tilts to the judiciary, politics and literary criticism. Easy environmental adaptation to different climates.
In distress: lack of clarity in ideas, lawsuits filed by members, difficulties with the law, low concentration, little resistance to fatigue and climate change.
Mercury in Scorpio
Intelligence descends deep into the depths and investigates the mysteries of the subconscious. Great creative skills. Magnetic reports with others. Relentless critical sense.
This position can easily generate writers of crime novels or sexual tales. These subjects hardly forgive anyone who offends them and, feeling targeted, can respond with harsh words. The interest in the occult can also live in them.
In affliction: risk to the health of brothers. Sharp sarcasm.
Mercury in Sagittarius
Mercury is in exile in Sagittarius, so he does not perform his best functions here. Intelligence sometimes softens into credulity and tends to adhere to a precise ideal.
Philosophical or religious principles can thus be embraced. In any case, it encourages the study of foreign languages and the law.
In distress: it often takes place to petty errors of judgment.
Mercury in Capricorn
Symbol of spiritual elevation. It is the configuration of the scholar, of the engineer. Ambition, attitude for management, analysis, diplomacy. Consistency in pursuing goals. Practical sense and economics.
The pessimism typical of Capricorn is accentuated. These individuals, usually very ambitious, are willing to work hard to achieve success. They tend to be realistic, but they lack imagination.
Their sense of humor can be so ironic that others fail to understand their jokes. Positive for memory and associative processes of thought.
In distress: Avarice, exaggerated pessimism, resentment. The native is not attracted to social life. There is a risk of low mobility.
Mercury in Aquarium
The intellect and the lightning: intuition and creativity. It is one of the best positions for this planet as, if well awaited, it can give breadth of horizons and remarkable originality of thought.
It often generates free thinkers, original and innovative minds, though often little understood by others. It’s a very good position for directors, journalists and inventors.
In affliction: unreliable friends mentally, excesses of originality. Unfeasible projects.
Mercury in Pisces
He confers media skills and a dreamer spirit. Imagination will be constructive if Jupiter and Neptune are in good looks; in this case the native will have good inspirations, although a certain pessimism will not always allow him to realize them.
These individuals have fertile imagination, love companionship, and are often great storytellers. But they tend to take offense with ease, even if they can forgive just as easily. There may be at best the talent to become writers.
Disarmonic: Visionary fantasies, obsessive turmoil, manic sense of persecution.