Sun in Conjunction with Moon
A dialogue should take place between the active-masculine pole and the receptive-feminine pole; in the case of Conjunction, unfortunately, it is a monologue.
Neither planet freely expresses its potential: the Moon acquires masculine characteristics and the Sun feminine qualities.
The result is compact, self-sufficient, monobloc temperaments: somewhat masculine women and somewhat effeminate men who have problems in dialogue with themselves and the opposite sex.
Sun in Conjunction with Mercury
The two Planets do not reach a distance greater than 30°, so the only possible aspect between them is Conjunction. We distinguish a narrow Conjunction, i.e. within 3-4 degrees is a wider Conjunction from 4° to 10°.
The latter is better: it gives a lively intelligence that is also capable of using the heart, that is, of participating with warmth; of aiming at concrete results, of grasping the vital and not only the intellectual aspect of things.
Narrow Conjunction is less brilliant: the forces involved overlap a little, lucidity is less; impulsiveness may use logic to justify itself, mental objectivity may be conditioned by the desire to shine.
Sun in Conjunction with Venus
The two planets are never more than 50° apart, so only Conjunction, Semi-sextile and Semi-square are possible between them.
Love of life and the desire to enjoy it become the main characteristic of the person. The warmth, optimism, serenity and sympathy that emanate from this aspect give charm and attract sympathy and affection.
Health is also protected and luck assists in life. Both the Sun and Venus love beautiful and artistic things and like to surround themselves with friends who treat them generously.
Sun in Conjunction with Mars
This is clearly a fiery overload: people who are ardent and passionate; physically and psychologically energetic, impulsive, vital, bent on realising the proposals of vitality through action. Everything is a tone above.
If there are balancing elements such as a Trigon with Saturn or a Square with Neptune or with Jupiter then the vitality will be well channelled.
But if there are over-stimulating elements, such as a Trigon with Uranus or Pluto or Jupiter, explosive and disruptive effects may occur: will to achieve the goals set at any cost to oneself and others!
Sun in Conjunction with Jupiter
You have good wisdom intellectually and enjoy material benefits, you are often proud and worldly. Even those of you who follow a religious or ascetic path tend to give yourself a lot of importance.
Generally speaking, you are favoured by good health, good fortune, with prospects of earnings and attaining power, especially if your reasoning is logical and your choices rational.
You have the possibility of being over-indulgent, even towards yourself, and of seeking the pleasures of the table and comforts too much. Beware that successes achieved without too much effort could lead you to a form of softness and incomprehensible melancholy.
Sun in Conjunction with Saturn
You are very disciplined and love routine and have a keen sense of order. You are often faced with difficult material circumstances, conflicts with authority or obstacles and delays.
Difficulties can corrode your self-confidence, but you can recover it through hard work. You achieve success with logic and a cold will, but with the danger of becoming dissatisfied and disappointed intimately.
You are very self-righteous, melancholic, with depressions and pessimism that make living together and relationships with others difficult for you.
Sun in Conjunction with Uranus
You are inventive, independent, radical and non-conformist. You force others to revise their prejudices through your refusal to accept established values and behaviour.
You are dynamic with an exuberant vitality. Tenacity and prompt decisions favour the achievement of your goals.
You are likely to succeed in activities where decisiveness and quick choices are needed. You may be very aggressive and intolerant.
Sun in Conjunction with Neptune
You have much intuition, imagination, sensitivity with a spirit of self-denial and compassion, but you lack practical sense.
You fall into two categories: those who find their purpose in asceticism, mysticism and works of charity, unselfish in short; and those who feel drawn to the world of fashion, elegance, art and style.
For both, you suffer from strange anxieties, psychic depressions, morbid oddities, neuroses. You may have dazzling faculties of understanding and intuition in relation to the overall activity of thought.
In particular cases; you are very inhibited with limited intelligence and poor intuition. Your imagination is diminished and you have morbid apprehensions.
Sun in Conjunction with Pluto
This is an intense, emotional and volcanic Aspect; your life is often disrupted by sudden and radical changes.
You can choose various methods to bring about this personal revolution: some of you choose psychoanalysis and therapy, others religion, magic or politics.
You have a very complex and multifaceted personality; enigmatic, unusual and magnetic.
You have a tendency to show off with a duplicity in your personality and affected attitudes. You achieve success by ambiguous means.
Sun Sextile with the Moon
This aspect contributes to the formation of a balanced, peaceful and stable character, as well as increasing your opportunities for fulfilment and success in life.
Your relationships with home, family and the opposite sex should be good. You live a harmonious and peaceful combination of reality and feeling. You have balanced relationships with the opposite sex, mother and father.
Social success is facilitated for you. You have happy relationships with others and exceptional strength of character. Great vital, physical and psychic energy.
You make balanced and dispassionate judgements. Your professional success is directed towards administration (commerce, politics), with the achievement of financial well-being.
Sun Sextile with Mars
Your personality is autonomous, adventurous, energetic and competitive, with great decisions, but impatient. You can become investigators, scholars or seekers of hidden truths.
The first period of your life can be turbulent and conflicted, both professionally and emotionally. Afterwards, your self-control will allow you a gradual equilibrium, which will be the prerequisite for considerable success.
Obstacles and critical situations will later be resolved very favourably. Lots of vital energy, will to succeed (political military-leaders), resourcefulness, ability to make choices, exact assessment of dangers.
Sun Sextile with Jupiter
This aspect denotes a generally rational, optimistic and good-natured personality.
You fall into two categories: the first, those who draw inspiration from travel and adventure, the second, those who seek inner inspiration in religious or intellectual studies.
Your idealism and optimism attracts favourable opportunities. Any negative influences from disharmonious aspects of other planets are greatly reduced here.
Sun Sextile with Saturn
You work conscientiously, always complete the tasks assigned to you with consideration for your responsibilities, which sometimes causes you some inhibitions.
Success is slow but sure. You aspire to freedom, opposing any kind of authority, including that of your family of origin. Constructive mental evolution.
You face the difficulties of existence with decision, perseverance and calmness. Despite the risk of annoying illnesses, longevity is probable.
Sun Sextile with Uranus
You are independent and non-conformist. Idealistic by nature, you espouse great causes and associate yourself with movements that promote them.
You often become leaders, as others admire your out-of-the-ordinary way of acting. You have a practical sense and a constructive attitude when making decisions.
Remarkable organisational skills and the ability to make choices quickly and adapt to new situations. Creativity.
Sun Sextile with Neptune
Your personality is kind, sentimental and inclined to charitable works. You have a great creative imagination, are attracted to the arts and mysticism and prefer the comfortable life.
You have the ability to moderate your imagination and avoid excesses. Good balance between rationality and desire for change.
Important aspects of a situation are grasped quickly. Luck at play. Dangers from alcohol and smoking.
Sun Sextile with Pluto
This aspect gives you emotional energy and character determination. You can be stubborn, love secrets and are dedicated to the study of life’s deepest and darkest mysteries.
Harmonious character. Rich inner life. Very balanced and powerful life energy. Very close correlation between conscious personality and instinctuality. You have great vitality and staying power.
You feel the need to dominate. Courage, aptitude for leadership, revolutionary ideas. Possibility of success due to confidence in your strength and personal magnetism.
Sun Square with the Moon
This aspect will cause your problems to be resolved in a fundamental conflict, perhaps between the two parents or between parents and children or between work and public affairs on the one hand and private and domestic interests on the other.
Your emotions may be strong and difficult to control. You may have conflicts with the opposite sex, or with your family of origin.
Conflicts also arise between reason and feeling. You have difficulties in the professional environment because of your inability to temper the harshness of your character.
Sun Square with Mars
This aspect increases your tendency to overwork, take risks and adapt to uncomfortable situations.
You are benevolent and affectionate, but also rather impulsive, excitable, reckless and selfish. Your impulses and vitality are blocked and this can lead to hypersensitivity and hesitation.
You are indifferent or have an incessant and childish desire for confirmation of your supposed qualities. Possibility of accidents and frustrations related to occupied Houses.
Sun Square with Jupiter
You are idealists, often following unpopular and unworkable causes, even to the point of sacrificing yourself for that purpose.
You believe blindly in your destiny, have a deep sense of personal freedom, dislike order and routine and often become travellers.
You tend towards voracity, both material and emotional. You incur possible anxieties, or disappointments in the financial field, as a result of hasty actions. You sometimes make superficial judgements.
Sun Square with Saturn
You fall into two categories: those who give in to failure and frustration and those who react and achieve great things in the end through extremely disciplined work.
If necessary, you know how to adapt to difficult circumstances, but there is a dampening of vital energy and psychic abilities. You do too much introspection which distorts the clarity of your ideas.
You have great difficulty in lucid analysis of situations. You suffer from chronic depressions that tend towards self-pity. Continuous clashes with authority in general, including paternal authority. Success is thwarted.
Sun Square with Uranus
Your personality is individualistic, egocentric and unconventional. For you, independence takes priority and you often behave in a reckless and disorganised manner.
You have a vacillating, disoriented personality and have difficulty integrating into the contemporary world. You make many plans simultaneously and none of them are completed. You have doubts, uncertainties, inconstancy and slowness in making decisions.
You make sudden and unjustified changes and have difficulty in thinking consequently and logically. You suffer from incomprehensible anxieties. Illnesses related to occupied Signs.
Sun Square with Neptune
Too much compassion and disinterest make you easy to exploit and deceive others. Religion, fashion or the use of alcohol or drugs are the means, according to you, to escape from the real world.
In particular cases; You have morbid tendencies, accompanied by confused thoughts and feelings. Possible fixed ideas and manias.
Your personal talents and creativity may, in certain cases, be favoured, although a background of restlessness remains in you with vague sadness for no real reason.
Sun Square with Pluto
You love to clash on emotional ground. You are stubborn, decisive and passionate: you stimulate others to abandon their preconceptions.
You are at odds between aspirations and concrete possibilities of realising them. You make unachievable plans.
Frustrations arouse you to baffling rages, or even misplaced perfectionist attitudes without practical results. Strong egocentrism and impulsiveness can cause you accidents.
Sun Trigon with the Moon
This configuration gives you a balanced, peaceful and stable character, as well as giving you more opportunities for fulfilment and success in life.
You have good relationships with home, family and the opposite sex; you also have a harmonious and peaceful blend of reality and feeling. You manage to establish balanced relationships with your mother, father and the opposite sex.
Social success is facilitated for you, also because you manage to have happy relationships with others together with exceptional fortitude.
Good vital, physical and psychic energy, your judgement is often balanced and dispassionate. The greatest gains in professional success could be in administration, commerce or politics, being able to achieve financial well-being.
Sun Trigon with Mars
You have an autonomous, adventurous, energetic, competitive, decisive but intolerant personality. You can become investigators, scholars or seekers of hidden truths.
The first period of your life can be turbulent and conflicted, both professionally and emotionally. Afterwards, self-control allows you a gradual equilibrium, which is the prerequisite for considerable success.
Impediments and critical situations you solve, later on, very favourably. Your vital energy is good, as is your will to succeed (military-political-leadership). You are resourceful, with the ability to make choices, and make exact assessments of dangers.
Sun Trigon with Jupiter
This aspect gives you a generally rational, optimistic and good-natured personality. You fall into two categories: The first of you, draws inspiration from travel and adventures; the other, seeks inner inspiration in religious or intellectual studies.
Your idealism and optimism attracts favourable opportunities. You favour well-being, health, good fortune, earnings, power.
You love the pleasures of the table and comforts. Any negative influences of disharmonious aspects of other planets are greatly reduced.
Sun Trigon with Saturn
You work conscientiously, always completing your tasks and keeping your responsibilities in mind, which sometimes causes you some inhibitions.
Your success is slow but sure. You aspire to freedom, opposing any kind of authority, including that of your family of origin.
Constructive mental evolution. You face the difficulties of your existence resolutely, with perseverance and calmness. Despite the risk of annoying illnesses, you could be long-lived.
Sun Trigon with Uranus
You are independent and non-conformist. Idealists by nature, you espouse great causes and associate with movements that promote them.
You often become leaders, as others admire your out-of-the-ordinary way of acting. Practical sense with a constructive attitude to decision-making.
You have remarkable organisational skills and the ability to make choices quickly, adapting quickly to new situations. Creativity.
Sun Trigon with Neptune
Your personality is kind, sentimental and inclined to charitable works. You have a great creative imagination, are attracted to the arts and mysticism, and prefer the comfortable life.
You are able to moderate your imagination and thus avoid excesses. Good balance between rationality and desire for change.
You are able to grasp the important aspects of a situation quickly, thus taking the right countermeasures. Luck at gambling, but dangers from alcohol and smoking.
Sun Trigon with Pluto
This aspect gives you emotional energy and determination to character. You can be stubborn, lovers of secrets and are dedicated to the study of life’s deepest and darkest mysteries.
Your vital energy is very balanced and powerful. You have a very close correlation between conscious personality and instinctuality, you possess great vitality and staying power, you feel the need to dominate.
You are courageous with an aptitude for leadership, but you have revolutionary ideas. Your chance of success is due to your confidence in your own strength and personal magnetism.
Sun in Opposition with the Moon
The head-on collision between the two forces can produce very heavy results: your personality tears itself in two in a kind of psychic squint (which can also be physical).
Intuition does not restrain and soften solar vitality and egocentricity; solar warmth and generosity do not warm lunar coldness and detachment.
The person derives from this two distinct and irreconcilable visions of reality that can lead to duplicity, exhaustion, states of neurosis, deep emotional and psychic instability.
Sun in Opposition with Mars
This aspect increases your tendency to overwork, take risks and adapt to uncomfortable situations. You are benevolent and affectionate, but also rather impulsive, excitable, and reckless and selfish.
You are intolerant of any discipline, even moral discipline, and you do it arrogantly with stubborn conceit. Your aggressiveness leads you to frustration and neurosis, which leads you to disappointments and also to making mistakes.
You continually seek confirmation of your supposed abilities, which leads you towards wrong choices. Beware of disappointments and possible accidents, in relation to the houses occupied by the two planets.
Harmonic aspects of other planets may reduce negative outcomes to some extent. Women with this aspect reject traditional dependence on the male.
Sun in Opposition with Jupiter
You are idealists, often following unpopular and unworkable causes, even to the point of sacrificing yourself for that purpose.
You believe blindly in your destiny, have a deep sense of personal freedom, dislike order and routine and often become travellers.
In this case, the contrast between spiritual evolution of the personality and constructive participation in existence is sharpened. You may be constantly suffering from bad moods and dissatisfaction.
You tend to exaggerate in every way, squandering your vital energy. You are stubborn. In special cases; you may experience financial difficulties.
Sun in Opposition with Saturn
Very heavy aspect to deal with, which makes life a bit like an obstacle race. You fall into two categories: some of you give in to failure and frustration, the others, who react to adversity, achieve great things in the end through extremely disciplined work.
If necessary, you know how to adapt to difficult circumstances. The memory of your peaceful and serene childhood gives you regrets and a discontinuous attitude.
You are irrational and stubborn with rebellions against all norms and customs. Failures and painful disappointments are mainly due to your difficult character. You have a father complex or authority complex in general.
Sun in Opposition with Uranus
You have an individualistic, egocentric and unconventional personality. For you, independence has top priority and you often behave in a reckless and disorganised manner.
You are indolent, unconcerned about what is going on around you, with reduced vital energy. You have severe tensions because you refuse to accept reality with your contradictory nature. Expect many changes.
Sun in Opposition with Neptune
Too much compassion and disinterest make you prone to exploitation and deception of others. Religion, fashion or the use of alcohol or drugs are the means, in your opinion, to escape from the real world.
You suffer from depressions and disappointments due to the contrast between desires and reality. Your frustrations may be greatly limited by harmonic side aspects. In particular cases; existential crises may increase with a desire to self-destruct (narcotics and the like).
Changes cause you suffering and disappointments, the latter are also often generated by unexpected mutations, with the possibility of loss of money and separations.
Sun in Opposition with Pluto
You love to clash on emotional ground. You are stubborn, decisive and passionate; you stimulate others to abandon their preconceptions.
You feel very much the contrast between aspirations and practical achievements. You are deeply indecisive in your analyses and choices.
You refuse to recognise your limits and are very easy-going. You always want to be in the limelight to win the admiration of others.
No Sun Aspect
The lack of Aspects of a Planet may mean that the Planet is not limited by other Planets and therefore takes on exaggerated importance.
You may feel, or demonstrate, little personality and yet give the impression of being selfish.