Planetary Aspects – Saturn – First Interpretative Level





Saturn in Conjunction with Uranus

Determination and hard work combine with originality to provide you with new solutions to old problems. You have ideals of democracy, but in practice you are quite authoritarian.

Rationality and decision-making power closely combined can give your personality very pronounced firmness, toughness and determination.

Your goals are sometimes realised without too many scruples. You suffer from nervous tension and are intransigent.



Saturn in Conjunction with Neptune

If you manage to reconcile the opposing principles of the two planets, your imagination will be disciplined and your dreams can come true.

If this Aspect is well supported, you can have an excellent help both for your imagination and for logic which you can express, depending on the Sign you occupy, in a very fruitful way in the intellectual, creative, or practical field.

In particular cases; it could cause tension or psychological stress.



Saturn in Conjunction with Pluto

You have a deep desire for change and evolution. You are often very stubborn and ambitious. You tend towards self-control, your rationality adds to instinctive forces.

You may have a great desire to impose your will with determination and toughness. This Conjunction is most influential when near other planets forming an accumulation or near the Ascendant or Midheaven.



Saturn Sextile with Uranus

This Aspect combines solid practical qualities with innovative and original abilities, thus establishing an extremely productive basis for innate potential.

Excellent Aspect that gives you balance between logic and capacity for achievement. Hardness is less pronounced, but your personality is equally endowed with rigour and determination to achieve your goals.

You have a very strong will combined with prudence and patience. If Mercury is positively stimulated in your chart, this gives you excellent abilities both in the scientific and political fields.



Saturn Sextile with Neptune

Your dreams, imagination and inspiration become the basis on which you base your practical action; you are generally a traditionalist.

It is an excellent influence that gives you the ability to rationally control your fantasy and imagination. You have possibilities for fulfilment in the intellectual, philosophical or political fields.



Saturn Sextile with Pluto

Your aims are well defined, you always want to improve and you are seriously committed, even emotionally, to achieving your goals.

Your unconscious forces are well controlled by rationality. This can be a creative aspect in the intellectual field.

Your decision-making power and consistency direct your ambition towards your goals. You have a strong sense of identity.



Saturn in Quadrature with Uranus

This aspect causes you to behave in a highly variable manner, ranging from an authoritarian need for order to total anarchy. Attitudes can be a little inconsistent, with moments of intransigence and others of indecision.

Your willpower is dampened, but not eliminated, and if you can control these attitudes, your capacity for achievement can be greatly redeemed. There remains, however, the danger of tensions and depressions with the risk of accidents.



Saturn in Quadrature with Neptune

This aspect tends to block your free expression of imagination and disorientates you in practical matters.

Values and opinions tend to be reactionary. You are unable to express imagination and rationality in an orderly manner and this can cause you tension, restlessness and stress.



Saturn in Quadrature with Pluto

You may have a desire to revolutionise your life, or to reform society, but your aspirations are confused.

Creative-instinctive forces find it difficult to express themselves because of an excess of control and rationality. You tend to renounce action, to fall victim to inhibitions.



Saturn Trigon with Uranus

This Aspect combines your solid practical qualities with innovative and original abilities, thus establishing an extremely productive basis for your innate potential.

An excellent Aspect that gives you balance between logic and the ability to realise. Hardness is less pronounced, but your personality is equally endowed with rigour and determination to achieve your goals.

You have a very strong will combined with prudence and patience. If Mercury is positively stimulated in your chart, you have excellent abilities both in the scientific and political fields.



Saturn Trigon with Neptune

Dreams, imagination and inspiration become your basis for practical action; values are generally traditionalist.

Excellent influence gives you the ability to rationally control your fantasy and imagination. You could fulfil yourself in the intellectual, philosophical or political fields.



Saturn Trigon with Pluto

You have clear aims, you always want to improve and you are seriously committed, even emotionally, to your goals.

Your unconscious forces are well controlled by rationality. Creative aspect in the intellectual field. You are decisive and consistent and direct your ambition towards your goals. You have a strong sense of your own identity.



Saturn in Opposition with Uranus

This Aspect causes you to behave in extremely variable ways, ranging from an authoritarian need for order to total anarchy.

It is a heavy Aspect from a psychological point of view. You are often inconsistent and alternate states of confusion with moments of intransigence and stubbornness.

Your decision-making power is blocked or is expressed through uncontrolled actions caused by irrational urges. Nervous tension. Danger of accidents.



Saturn in Opposition with Neptune

This aspect tends to block the free expression of your imagination and disorientates you in practical matters.

Values and opinions tend to be reactionary. Nervous tension is very high, you are, therefore, in constant emotional conflict with disordered attitudes in your actions, or you are very shady, stubborn and distrustful.

You have difficulty getting used to routine work.



Saturn in Opposition with Pluto

You may have a desire to revolutionise your life or reform society, but aspirations are confused.

Rationality and instinctive forces tend to block each other causing you frustrations and, at times, obsessions.

Your behaviour is erratic, unpredictable, not always orthodox.




No Aspects of Saturn

The lack of Aspects of a Planet may mean that the Planet is not limited by other Planets and therefore takes on exaggerated importance.

You are unable to recognise your limits and consequently adapt to the difficulties you encounter; however, you can develop a strong sense of discipline.