Lunar Nodes in the Signs
Ascendant Node in Aries – Descending Node in Libra
The karmic lesson of the soul in this case is one of self-determination. Probably the person with this position has lived past lives without being able to deeply develop his or her own self, perhaps sacrificing himself or herself for a collective.
Now the time has come for self-determination, even though karmic residues may create unresolved states of anxiety or sudden tensions about one’s role in life.
The House that contains the Descending Node in fact reveals the sector (Libra – the collective) of the past that ended up inhibiting inner growth.
This person will spend many years of their current existence struggling against their own naivety and then realise their position and learn to give of themselves again without any reward beyond their own inner growth.
Ascendant Node in Taurus – Descending Node in Scorpio
In past lives, this person has certainly been subjected to the Plutonian influences of Scorpio and has been at the mercy of a powerful sexual energy that ended up overflowing the banks while giving him or her enormous scope for transformation.
Nothing, however, had to be safe around him and now, with this Taurus position of the Ascendant Node, he tends to assert very strongly the need for much more concrete security than he had in past lives.
For those who have this configuration, the past residues of lived experiences have such an intensity that they are bound to suddenly manifest themselves in their current relationships with the people around them, even with margins of unpredictability.
Stubbornness will always be a dominant feature of the way these individuals act and they will mature karmically when they learn to see the actions of others as reflected images of their own unconscious.
Ascendant Node in Gemini – Descending Node in Sagittarius
The meaning of this existence is first and foremost “socialising”. The karmic limits come in fact from the boundless freedom of Sagittarius that have created impatience with any civilised ties or constraints.
This desire for extreme, almost anarchic freedom is somewhat the ultimate limit of confrontation in this existence where he will have to learn to look at things from two different points of view (Gemini) in order to approach a synthesis and ultimately the socialisation of the Ego.
The House in which the Descending Node is found in Sagittarius reveals the sector of life in which the residues of past incarnations drive him to desire to be a free spirit.
The House in which the Ascendant Node is found in Gemini, on the other hand, indicates the present means by which he will come to enjoy the benefits of a pan-humanistic culture with which he is eventually destined to unite.
Ascendant Node in Cancer – Descending Node in Capricorn
It is possible for the soul to reach reincarnation, bringing with it a considerable amount of pride and haughtiness. As a result, prestige and the attainment of a certain personal dignity continue to be the main motives that drive his actions.
In previous lives he was very stubborn and resistant to those who tried to give him advice, wanting to influence him in some way, so now he believes that his own life is a strictly private matter, even building a symbolic ‘wall’ around it.
Needless to say, the experience that awaits the individual in this life is that of a general “softening” of one’s positions, thanks to the feminine and lunar nature of the sign of Cancer, to the point of learning to be nurturing for others and not only for oneself.
Ascendant Node in Leo – Descending Node in Aquarius
The Ascendant Node in Leo is symbolic of a struggle with one’s own will. In this life, the individual learns to develop his own inner strength.
The conditions of life will force him to find himself alone, very often without a shoulder to lean on, so he will learn that, if he wants to improve himself, he will have to act creatively in his own right, overcoming apathy and abulications of various kinds.
The constant desire for friendships, a legacy of his previous lives, actually weakens him, as it does little to increase his self-confidence.
When true determination strikes in him, however, nothing more can stop him, as he will never accept second best. The lesson to be learned therefore is that of ‘self-discipline’ and full control of one’s faculties.
Such an individual only achieves happiness when he finds principles to which he can devote his life.
Ascendant Node in Virgo – Descending Node in Pisces
The problem with this position is crystallisation. The individual must overcome the superstitions accumulated in previous lives, which now hinder his growth and prevent him from seeing clearly the truth that lies hidden in the things he has experienced in the past.
The tendency to depend on others and to wallow in self-pity for what he fails to achieve must be seen as an enormous obstacle to be confronted and which, in this life, must be completely demolished.
The obstacle to be overcome is inner confusion, the goal to be achieved a critical appraisal of reality and of others free of all emotionality.
Life is thus directed in an attempt to achieve efficiency and order outside the whirlpools of the Piscean sea. There will then be a greater acquisition of detail and a more balanced and real scale of values, without dispersing the Descendant’s great sense of humanity.
Ascendant Node in Libra – Descendant Node in Aries
This position requires the individual to learn self-sacrifice and knowledge of the needs of others. All the work done in past existences to build one’s ego must now be transferred to others.
The Node in Libra prevents the individual from further increasing this ego-dominance. In previous lives, succeeding in life was part of the competitive spirit typical of Aries. This, however, left a residue, a mental closure, which the Node in Libra must now be able to dispel, opening the person up to collective, rather than individual, needs.
The remnants of the Martian Node will therefore remain, self-esteem, impatience, but they must be kept in check and channelled towards new perspectives. As long as the individual fails to overcome his Descending Node, his greatest frustration will consist in witnessing other people achieve all those things he had so much desired for himself.
It is as if all his desires were destined for others. Unfortunately, the Ascendant Node in Libra is one of the most difficult to reach because the selfishness of Aries proves to be quite an obstacle to overcome, yet the individual must overcome it if he is to enter a new cycle when he begins to see himself through the eyes of others.
Ascendant Node in Scorpio – Descending Node in Taurus
Here the individual learns to accept the drastic changes that life throws at him, taking away the state of calm security to which the Descending Node in Taurus had accustomed him in his previous life.
He clings tenaciously to old patterns of behaviour and works hard, expending a lot of energy that, in the long run, can weaken his deeper spiritual energies.
Adjusting to the Karma of this reversal process can be extremely painful, as he may end up losing everything that is near and dear to him, eventually having to give up much more than he initially expected.
This transformation is so radical that many individuals who present such a knot end up spending the last years of their lives alone, ending up discarding, in the elimination of excesses, everything but themselves. But it is precisely in the symbolic death of all that he possesses that his new life can arise.
Ascendant Node in Sagittarius – Descending Node in Gemini
The key word is evolution and promise. The duality of the previous existence can only be overcome with a firm stance (The Sagittarius Arrow), but to reach this higher state of consciousness, it is necessary to rid oneself of all doubts and half-positions of the Descending Node in Gemini.
In order to make a firm decision, it is also necessary for it to rest on moral foundations, and this is what Sagittarius can confer: a very broad, almost boundless vision, where, however, certain values of loyalty and humanity are safeguarded.
There will always be two main periods in the lives of these individuals: a youthful phase of doubt and searching, then a mature phase of awareness, where the more evolved will achieve remarkable results until the supreme attainment of the highest spiritual and transcendental values.
Ascendant Node in Capricorn – Descending Node in Cancer
The significance of this position is very clear: the person wants to reach full ‘maturity’. In the previous life, she probably settled too much into Cancer values, circumscribing her range of action and entrenching herself behind values that were too reassuring and familiar.
In this life, she still maintains a childlike attitude, usually preferring to leave it to others or the family to solve her problems. Although he strives to become an adult, he never actually seems ready.
The most difficult karmic residue of the Descending Node in Cancer is the difficulty in achieving a certain detachment, since he has so many unconscious fears from the past inside him.
The main lesson, on the other hand, of the Ascendant Node in Capricorn, is in forging oneself on ideals far wider than one’s own narrow personal circle. The Zodiacal Constellation of Capricorn is the passage through which the soul must leave the physical body and, in this most occult of Signs, it must present itself before the various Guardians of the Threshold.
This may not be the last earthly incarnation for such an individual and, the House in which his Ascendant Node is located may give clues as to the specific area in which the individual will receive karmic judgement.
Ascendant Node in Aquarius – Descending Node in Leo
This duality highlights the clash between personal exaltation (Leo) and abandonment of the self in favour of the collective (Aquarius). In this individual’s previous life, everything revolved around the cult of one’s own personality and there could be contempt for the mediocrity of others, with a clear tendency to classify only the noble as worthy interlocutors.
Present-day karma consists of learning how to move lightly, without leaving a trace, almost like a ruler ready to abdicate. The renunciation of ego power in favour of nobler ideals that are more open to others.
For a long time this individual will have to struggle against the strong impulses that come from the forgotten depths. Through the Aquarian Ascendant Node he will learn to overcome the sense of prestige and develop, instead, the sense of Universal Brotherhood.
Ascendant Node in Pisces – Descending Node in Virgo
This is undoubtedly one of the most difficult “Nodes” to untie. The individual realises that he or she has been too rigid, almost governed by a mathematical Ptolemaic spirit.
Everything had to be precise and coldly planned in his past existence, but now he realises that the truth goes far beyond those impersonal limits. And so he is inevitably brought into contact with situations that push him far beyond the physical-material sphere, as if he were a salmon swimming against the current.
He nevertheless desperately seeks order and classification of things, but is unable to hold on to anything concrete. This is his drama, which can also result in ill-concealed mental disorders.