I was born in Catania in 1964 from a middle-class family.
In the ’70s, fascinated since he was a boy by the Mystery and the Supernatural that permeates our lives, I attended since adolescence Circles Medianic and Ufology in search of all those Transcendent Answers that can captivate a young man to whom, austere and imperturbable, stands out and reveals the Arcanum.
What urged me, in those intense years of experiences, was the belief that the universe was populated by some Supercivilizations as well as other forms of life still elementary and primitive as supported by the formula of Frank Drake on the Probability of Life in the Universe.
At the same time, at the act of trying myself as self-taught in preliminary studies of Physics and Astronomy, arose in me more and more the certainty that there is no separateness in nature between the Sensible and the Impalpable, between the Manifest and the Immanifest. For the current ideological choice I believe that this Universe is the outward expression of a much larger and perfect Supernatural Reality, structured in a Multiverse.
In the early 90’s I became a follower of Contactism and then I gathered a group, creating a circle of Psychics who practiced Automatic Writing. Entering into Telepathic Contact with Spirit Guides and Angelic Entities I met in an incipient phase my first Spirit Guides with whom I established an Empathic and Enlightened Relationship that still continues happily.
At that time, after a short period of interest in Parapsychology, I undertook the study of Astrology, directing my attention mainly in the practice of Targeted Solar Revolutions, following the dictates of Michel Gauquelin and Ciro Discepolo.
In addition, I put particular scrupulousness on the branch of Karmic Astrology and as regards the systematic investigation of the Transplutonian Planets, I choose as reference the forerunner and brilliant Lisa Morpurgo.
In 1991 I undertake the practice of Occultism, in this case the Theurgic one, with which I strengthen and enhance further the contact with the Supersensible Entities. I begin to know and appreciate the writings of Pier Luca Pierini for Theurgy, Eliphas Levi as Occultist and Cabalist, Jorg Sabellicus for Goetia and Frank Ripel and Aleister Crowley for the developments and the extreme trespasses towards the practice of Vama-Cara (the Tantrism of the Left Hand Path).
Since ’96 I’m passionate about the reading of the Epic Poets (Homer, Orpheus, Museum, Hesiod and Ferecides of Syrus) and Tragedy Writers (Aristophanes, Aeschylus, Sophocles and the great Euripides), passing through the Greek Philosophy of the Origins, that is from the Presocratics (Thales, Anaximander, Anaximenes, etc.. ) up to the Neo-Platonists (Plotinus, etc..), for the consonances that present with the Primordial Tradition.
The same year I won the First International Poetry Prize “Città di Lerici” with a Sylloge (anthological collection of lyrical writings). Subsequently I published the poetry collection “Attimi d’Eternità“.
In the same period I began to compulse the texts of Esotericism and Primordial Tradition knowing the various René Guenon, Ananda Kentish Coomaraswamy and Julius Evola, with whom I later became critical of some points of their Doctrine. In this case on the repudiation of the latter of Reincarnation (core concept of all Eastern Doctrines and Traditions, where the Wandering Soul is induced to Transmigrate mostly in Anthropomorphic Bodies) and Metempsychosis (concept derived from Orphism and Pythagoreanism, where the Wandering Soul is induced to transmigrate even in animal bodies and other nature), widely attested by Western and Eastern Tradition.
Around the 2000s I undertake the systematic study of Eastern Philosophies, in this case Buddhism, Hinduism and Taoism, with particular attention to the Tantric Initiatory Practices Shakta promulgated by the forerunner studies of Arthur Avalon (pseudonym of Sir John Woodroffe), the meticulous research of Georg Feuerstein and the encyclopedic knowledge of David Gordon White.
In addition, I have focused on the study of the Doctrine of the Buddha Shakyamuni, especially that of the Third Starting of the Wheel of Dharma, from which sprang the Karma Kagyu lineage (one of the Four Main Schools of Tibetan Buddhism). The teachings of the Karma Kagyu lineage were handed down from the historical Buddha Shakyamuni to the Mahasiddhas Padmasambhava (avenger of the Tibetan Bon Shamans), Tilopa, Naropa, up to the famous Tibetan Yogis Marpa (the Translator) and Milarepa (the famous Buddhist Saint author of the Hundred Thousand Songs).
Supporter of the Syncretic Fusion between Western and Eastern Traditions, after having studied the various Religious Traditions, I have appreciated the far-sighted thought of the Scholars of Religion and Orientalists such as Mircea Eliade, the eclecticism and the meticulous dissertation of Alain Danielou, and the rigorous treatise of the many Giuseppe Tucci, Pio Filippani Ronconi and Leonardo Vittorio Arena.
Since 2004, I started the practice of Dowsing and Radionics and I subsequently created, under inspiration of the Spirit Guides, Psionic Machines (Psychic Force Amplifiers) that do not need special and expensive equipment, as in Classic Radionics, to achieve tangible results. I must admit, far from the first and easy enthusiasms, that the results I have achieved are amazing, superior to the Magic Practices.
Since 2013, at my explicit request, the Spirit Guides who had Wisely led me Along the difficult path of Spiritual Growth, induced me to undertake an Initiatory Path with the Practice of Direct Initiatic Transmission (abhiṣeka). The details of this Secret Practice cannot be disclosed to the Neophytes, I can only assert that my existence, thanks to the Supernal Spirits, has taken on the connotations and nuances of Spiritual Permutation.
Currently, for almost a five-year period, I am also interested in aspects of Computer Science related to the world of Cryptocurrencies.
I remain however devoted to a constant and inflexible Inner Search that can unravel the doubts and the dark curtain that envelops the Human Being, since the first appearance, in his wanderings towards the most supernal and incommunicable truths of the Immanifest.
Francesco Astorino